
September through May
8:00 am and 10:00 am
Holy Eucharist Rite II

June, July and August
Outdoor Worship
in our Garden Chapel

9:30 am
Holy Eucharist Rite II

We currently do not have a nursery
since we welcome children of all ages in worship.

Ministry Leader Schedule




Holy Baptism, one of the two primary sacraments of the Church, is initiation into the Christian Church. Baptism at St. Peter’s of the Valley Church is also incorporation into the Episcopal Church and inclusion as a member of this parish. At Baptism, one assumes all of the privileges and responsibilities of full membership, including the reception of Holy Communion. As the Book of Common Prayer puts it, “Holy Baptism is full initiation by water and the Holy Spirit into Christ’s Body the Church. The bond which God establishes in Baptism is indissoluble.” Everyone who is baptized is sponsored by one or more baptized persons. Sponsors of adults present those who are to be baptized and affirm a commitment to support their candidate through prayer and example. Sponsors (godparents) of children speak on behalf of the child and promise to guide the child in a Christian life. For more information about Holy Baptism, please contact the Church Office at 970-927-4235.

We delight in celebrating marriage ceremonies for both our parishioners and neighbors in the community. A ceremony may take place at either the indoor sanctuary or the outdoor chapel at St. Peter's. The ceremony does not have to be at St. Peter's. It may take place at another house of worship in the area, at any public gathering place, at a private residence, at the venue for the reception, or any location or point in wild public lands.  Ours is a Christian service so Scripture readings are always a part of the ceremony. If you are interested in an Episcopal Church ceremony, please call our rector/ priest at 970.927.4235 for more information and other requirements. 

Funerals are held at St. Peter’s of the Valley Church primarily for parishioners and their families. Pre-planning of funerals in consultation with the clergy is encouraged. Pastoral ministries at St. Peter’s include supporting those who grieve to care for themselves during periods of loss. For more information about funerals, or to talk about resources for dealing with loss of any kind, please contact the Church Office at 970-927-4235.

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