
Godly Play for All Generations

Godly Play, an intergenerational Bible Study activity led by trained instructors, is offered intermittently between the services on Sunday mornings. Initially developed to aid in the teaching of children, Godly Play is about understanding how each of the stories of God’s people connects with a person’s own experience and relationship with God. Godly Play encourages curiosity and imagination in experiencing the mystery and joy of God.

Children and Youth

Service Activities

Our children and youth learn the importance of serving others by participating in a variety of activities throughout the year. They raise funds for our local animal shelter CARE each fall on a Sunday close to St. Francis Day, in keeping with the ideals of this beloved saint. They also plan and host parties such as a “Halloween Trunk or Treat” and an Easter Egg Hunt for young children in the churchyard.


Spring and Fall Quest are biennual diocesan youth retreats for children in grades 6–12. Quest is a weekend of fun, fellowship, and faith where they can learn about themselves and their relationship with God and make new friends in the process.


St. Peter’s prepares youth and adults for confirmation. If you are interested in confirmation or learning more about the Episcopal Church, please contact the Reverend Wendy Huber at 970.927.4235 or email

Adult Activities

Adult Bible Study

Learn & Lunch

Annual Women’s Retreat

Speakers’ Series

Visitors and newcomers are always welcome.

Learn & Lunch meets in the library at church on Wednesdays at 10:30 am until about 11:45. A different volunteer from the group facilitates the discussion each week. We have just come to the end of studying stories we selected from an anthology with work by well-known authors (100 Great Short Stories, edited by James Daley). On September 14 we began reading and discussing The Book of Joy by His Holiness the Dalai Lama and Archbishop Desmond Tutu. The flyleaf of the book describes these gentlemen as “spiritual giants” who are “two of the most joyful people on the planet.” Surely, these spiritual leaders have much wisdom to share with us. Discussion is often followed by a lunch at a nearby restaurant. Some people go to lunch every week, some now and then, and some never. We usually go Dutch treat unless we are treating someone for a special occasion.

This year’s women’s retreat will take place from September 30 to October 2. Once again, the women from St. Peter’s will have the unique opportunity to step away from the world’s “busyness” and spend two days in retreat at St. Benedict’s Monastery in Old Snowmass. There will be time for worship, fellowship, exercise, meditation, learning and quiet in a magnificent setting. We will spend a little time on Saturday learning about The Enneagram from Lori Mueller, retired executive director of Youth Zone. There will be plenty of free time for fellowship and laughter. The deadline for registering for the retreat has passed, but if you think you might be interested in attending, please call the church office (970.927.4235) to ask if an unexpected space has become available.

St. Peter’s welcomes opportunities to invite outside speakers to share information with the congregation on timely and interesting subjects. Topics addressed in past years have included centering prayer, human trafficking, and athletes facing and overcoming challenging obstacles. Future speakers will be invited to focus on the work done by many of our local non-profit organizations in the Roaring Fork Valley.